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Your Amazon Prime gift has been confirmed, beware of the scam message

Police alert on a new phishing attempt that is running these days. The message, which of course is not from Amazon, reads’ Second Notice: Your Amazon Prime gift has been confirmed. You can collect your gifts here ‘. Subsequently, you are asked to enter your credit card details.

” ‘And here it is the message that entices those who receive it, but if you are Agent Lisa not only do not fall for it but warn everyone to avoid yet another phishing attempt, with which they try to steal credit card data’ ‘, reads the friendly Facebook profile of police Agent Lisa. In the post are attached photos and all the steps if you click on them.

” So watch out and warn your acquaintances not to enter personal data and credit card – warns Agent Lisa – This is not the real Amazon but only those who use their name to cheat as has happened and happens to many other brands famous. False reviews are also false reviews, like the profiles that put them ”.