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The government monitors its reputation online … one year before the presidential election

He just made a deal with three companies. Goal? To gauge, on the Net, the reactions of the French on the decisions taken.

The sum is large enough to be reported. The government has decided to invest some three million euros to increase monitoring of its reputation on the Internet. To do this, he called on three specialized companies, responsible for carrying out regular watches on social networks.

The mission is entrusted to these companies (the first is French, the second based in Ireland, the third located in Luxembourg) to launch various campaigns called “social listening”, in order to measure “qualitatively and quantitatively” the reactions of the population to decisions taken by the executive and to current affairs in general.

An internet barometer

The “field of action” is very wide. It includes Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram… But only public content will be studied, never private exchanges between Internet users, requires the call for tenders. This contract was concluded for twelve months. But it is renewable three times if necessary.

Measuring reputation on the Net is nothing new. Many large companies have been using it for a long time. The government too. But by this market now provided, he decided to intensify the monitoring of the feelings of the French on his action … one year, now, of the presidential election.

An action that the executive has also decided to put forward. A few weeks ago, he launched a “barometer” on the Internet. Goal? Show the French “the state of progress of government policy and the concrete results obtained”. Election in twelve months, you said?