Telegram wants to make it easier for disappointed WhatsApp users by allowing them to retrieve the chat archives on the messaging app, including videos and documents with just a few clicks.
Some WhatsApp users, concerned about preserving the use of their data, are currently exiting the messaging app. One of its competitors, Telegram, wants to make it easier for them by offering them a tool allowing them to import their discussions, Clubic reports.
In the latest version of the application, available on iOS and Android, Telegram offers a function that allows you to retrieve the archives of its conversations on WhatsApp, but also KakaoTalk and Line. It is thus possible to continue discussions on Telegram, once the application has been downloaded. Chat history also includes videos and documents.
Telegram indicates the process to follow
In order to move a chat from WhatsApp to iOS, “open the Contact Info or Group Info page […], tap Export Chat, then choose Telegram from the share menu,” read the official blog of Telegram. Android device users should open a chat on WhatsApp, then tap “More” and “Export chat”, before selecting the new app from the share menu.
In addition, WhatsApp guarantees end-to-end encryption of exchanges. For Telegram, this is the case, but only on secret conversations which are only possible between two users. This means that once imported, WhatsApp chats will no longer be encrypted and “will appear in the clear on the company’s servers,” warns Clubic. Telegram is said to have garnered more than 100 million new users in January.